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The person who’s watching you is someone from your past. They’re watching from outside of the club because they can’t get in. You’ve distanced yourself from this person because they were causing too much emotional turmoil. This person ran you ragged mentally and emotionally. They loved that they had power over your emotions. They thought that they could treat you any kind of way and you wouldn’t go anywhere because of how emotionally invested in the relationship you were. What they failed to realize is that everyone has their breaking point. No matter how badly you wanted the connection, you wanted peace of mind more. This person is crying over you. They feel sooo fkn stupid!! Now, they need you more than ever, but they can’t call on you. They took advantage of your love for them and desire to work things out. This person is going to be reaching out with some sort of “heart-to-heart” or “devastating news” trying to get you to give a fck, but you’ve run out of those a long time ago.



The person who’s watching you is trying sooooo hard not to. They want to forget about you and move on, but they just can’t. In the past, it was easy for them to walk away and leave people alone, but it’s something about you that’s different. They can’t stop thinking about you. They’re mad that you haven’t reached out or tried to rekindle the connection because of how strong their feelings are for you. This is someone who compared you to their past relationships A LOT. Their past relationship trauma made it difficult for them to appreciate you. They saw you as something fun to help pass the time. Without even realizing it they took your presence for granted. This person may have made it seem like you weren’t good enough for them or needed to better yourself to keep them around, but these were all projections. People made this person not feel good enough and the moment they felt like they were “better than you” they began projecting their insecurities. Don’t let this person make you question your self-worth or your path. Just because you see the world differently, doesn’t make either of you better than the other. This person may be speaking negatively on you to justify their poor behavior, but the more they talk down on you the worse they feel because they know deep down that you’re a good person.


Facebook, Mississippi, Alabama, Entrepreneur, February, December, Wednesday, Friday, Orange


The person who’s watching you is trying to see if you can tell. They’re trying to be secretive, so in case you call them out on it they can deny it, but they also want you to know they’re watching. You’re trying your hardest to ignore this person because you don’t want to give them the satisfaction, but they’re annoying you soooo bad. This is someone who’s watching you from a fake page or their friends’ account. This could also be someone who is doing readings or getting readings on you. Any way they can be in your business and tap into your energy, they’re doing it. They don’t want to directly reach out because they know they’ve fckd up. They want you to notice them so they can finally come out of hiding. This person made it seem like you were a burden. They made it seem like you should be grateful to have their attention. This person did and said a lot of shady things that rubbed you the wrong way. Eventually, they did/said something you couldn’t look past and you decided to create some distance and they’re still standing right where you left them.

Thursday, Tuesday, Dark Features, Stud, Rapper, Mars, Earth Sign, Pisces, Smoker, Family Member...


The person who’s watching you feels left out. They feel like you’re so busy focusing on yourself and your goals that you don’t care about them. They miss you, they miss spending time with you, talking to you, and overall having you in their life, but they don’t think you feel the same. They feel like you’re living your best life without them. They may check your social media from time to time to see how you are. They may even go back and reread text messages. This person has typed and deleted many messages. They’ve had their friends talk them out of reaching out to you many times. They’re afraid that you may reject them if they try to reach out, so they’d rather not risk it and just watch you from a distance. You inspired this person to focus on their goals. Watching you focus on and check things off your list is pure motivation for them. They’ve never met anyone as driven as you. They may try to point out your flaws and talk about all the things you did wrong to make themselves feel better and to justify why they don’t want to reach out, but deep down they wish you’d just call/text them.


Passport, Ocean, Grandparents, Feminine, New York, Rhode Island, Close Friends, Military, Direct Communication,


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